HERO11 GoPro Labs Firmware
If you have older codes from 2023, the current Hero11 firmware might shut down your camera after 30 seconds. The Dec 2022 firmware release works perfectly. Here is a link to that firmware. If you have any concerns, please reach out to me at Todd@OceansUnknown.com
You must install the GoPro Labs firmware for the QR codes to work.

After you download the GoPro Labs firmware, unzip the file and look for the "UPDATE" folder.
Download the GoPro Labs firmware and unzip the file. Drag the "UPDATE" folder to your microSD card. Place the microSD card into your camera and power it on. The GoPro labs firmware will automatically update and add all the cool hidden features to the existing firmware!
Be sure to drag the "UPDATE" folder and not the "UPDATE.zip" file.